Rethinking 'Working Faster"
This is the third edition of the Meditations series, where I share what we're building at Sunsama as we explore how to work with calm and intention. This time we're talking about working faster.
In support of four day work weeks but they’re still not for me
I supported a colleague's decision to work four day weeks but was troubled by the fact that I didn’t want to work a four day week myself. Why I'm good with the four day week but prefer five myself.
Work day formats
Different ways I've laid out my work day and what I've learned about what sustains my energy through the week.
Your day is not a project
Your project management tool is not designed for planning your day. Sunsama's approach is not to replace your project management tool but to work in concert with it, and help you create an intention.
Guard rails
I’ve put in place a number of guard rails so I don’t tire myself out in a given working session, day, or week. Here’s what’s worked for me.
Deep work is a team sport
It’s easier to do deep work when you implement it as a team goal and make protecting other’s deep work time the cultural norm.
Async isn't just for work
I discovered the real power of doing things async when I started watching sports async.
Is Your Work Suffocating You?
It's hard to walk away from work, especially if you have the time and your work brings you fulfillment. But then, your leisure is subservient to your work. And that's no way to work or rest.
Contemplations on work
If I could build my own set of contemplations for the workday that would prime my perspective and reinforce my values, what would they say?
What should I work on today?
Sunsama CEO shares three approaches to starting his day, which ones he prefers and why.